! - PSsssssssss - Her again! - Nope, sorry. 'It' again!
(too old to reply)
2013-04-14 20:22:27 UTC
Still trying to justify your way of life...
No need - because . . .
Nemo. (Still alive!)
Your just fighting to stay that way?
It's "you're"! - and no. I wouldn't call taking a few tablets fighting.
They work and that's that, which is more than I have to do these days.
No body light a match .....
That was on oral raspberry, not a full-blown raspberry tart!
But it still stink, from tart to finish.
What's wrong? Three fairly good ones in one week! Urin proving.
Was it a grey tart - or a piece of grey tart? And if so, witch gallery
did they hang it in - Deaddee Thuggee Thatcher's favourite, The Hate
Modern? - and was she hung in there as well?
Are you trying to flan the flames?
Are they cremating her then?? I wooden toff thought so. The air
pollution and terrible sulphurous smell would kill most of London! They
should put her on a powerful catafalque and shoot her out into space!!

No. No. I take that back. All the other planets would shoot off to other
galaxies somewhere to avoid such a vile cargo and that would cause
gravitational effects that could destroy the Earth!

Good news: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22145306

And they're putting the fucking cow on a par with Churchill now by
having the Queen attend! That really is disgusting!

Churchill (with help from the yEncs of course - credit where it's due)
ended a war where Hitler was bombing our industry to bits, and then she
came along and closed the rest by having police behaving like Nazi thugs
beating up workers - men women *and children* - and by bankrupting the
whole bloody country. Am I the only one who remembers this?


That's what happens when a PM is also a Templar!

And it's just been confirmed on the News that one of the corrupt
businessmen who went to gaol after the Guinness Scandal years ago has
been invited to the fucking cow's funeral!


After that, I still wouldn't condone the funeral being disrupted, but I
wouldn't be too upset if it were either!

It'll get worse before Wednesday - you watch!

And, miracle of miracles - there's actually a discussion on LBC at the
moment that *isn't* about Deadee Thuggee Thatcher at last! HOORAYYYY!

Nope. I was wrong. The stupid git is accepting calls about her again.

Other groups:
These are my views now after all the selective memory and gross
hypocrisy that her death has provoked.

The disgust I feel at the huge steaming fly-covered stinking pile of
hubris that has appeared since her death based on everything from
selective memory to downright lies, probably combined with 'D' Notices
being issued banning mantion of her more savage policies is beyond
belief - so do what yer like.

[Whining tone . .] "Heeeeee attacked myyyy politics!!!!!!" Sod it.
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
Bill Taylor
2013-04-15 06:20:54 UTC
I tend to agree with most of your anti-Snatcher remarks, but...
Post by Nemo
Deadee Thuggee Thatcher
I don't get this. Is it a pun of some sort?
Post by Nemo
These are my views now after all the selective memory and gross
hypocrisy that her death has provoked.
Her domestic policies were hateful OC.
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!

-- El presidente Fred!
R C Nesbit
2013-04-15 11:31:53 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Her domestic policies were hateful OC.
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
Do you not remember that at the time she was heading for
electoral defeat, having tripled unemployment in her first
term, then totally ignored intelligence about the Argies -
she could have just sent in a gunboat and a few troops to
deter them, but and invasion and subsequent events were a
risk she (and the people who died) took to save her
political neck!
Rab C Nesbit
I'm an idiot, you know!
Then why are you leaving England?
Too much competition!
Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-15 14:34:56 UTC
Post by R C Nesbit
Rab C Nesbit
I'm an idiot, you know!
Then why are you leaving England?
Too much competition!
We all know the left hates competition!
2013-04-15 23:08:41 UTC
Post by Sir F.A. Rien
Post by R C Nesbit
Rab C Nesbit
I'm an idiot, you know!
Then why are you leaving England?
Too much competition!
We all know the left hates competition!
Her having workers, together with their women and sometimes, children,
on, at the time, legal picket lines, being beaten to a pulp by police
*and* by troops in police uniforms demonstrated perfectly how much
Thatcher and the right hated competition and opposition an dthe truly
vicious inhuman tactics they're prepared to use when it turns out that
those who they expect to behave like obedient little minions and march
peacefully with their heads bowed to the Dole queues suddenly say no and
start sticking up for themselves!

And re- remarks about Arthur Scargill. Remember. He predicted that
Thatcher wanted to close the pits right from the start, and this was
vehemently denied all along by her, her government and the American
henchman she brought it to do the job!! And Scargill turned out to be
dead right. Another thing that so many people allegedly don't remember.

Nemo (Still alive - and kicking!)
Bill Taylor
2013-04-16 05:03:02 UTC
Post by Nemo
And re- remarks about Arthur Scargill. Remember. He predicted that
Thatcher wanted to close the pits right from the start, and this was
vehemently denied all along by her, her government and the American
henchman she brought it to do the job!! And Scargill turned out to be
dead right.
Alas, Scargill made a very easy target!

As did the whole British union movement before 1980, come to that.

Peter Sellars' film "I'm All Right Jack" really did sum up what
a lot of people thought about unions and their practices.
A lot more than half the country thought that, I'd guess.

And with mention of Sellars, we return you to your OT newsgroup

-- Boomerang Bill

** I had a boomerang once; but no matter how much I tried
** to get rid of it, it always seemed to turn up again!
2013-04-16 13:59:25 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
And re- remarks about Arthur Scargill. Remember. He predicted that
Thatcher wanted to close the pits right from the start, and this was
vehemently denied all along by her, her government and the American
henchman she brought it to do the job!! And Scargill turned out to be
dead right.
Alas, Scargill made a very easy target!
As did the whole British union movement before 1980, come to that.
Peter Sellars' film "I'm All Right Jack" really did sum up what
a lot of people thought about unions and their practices.
A lot more than half the country thought that, I'd guess.
And with mention of Sellars, we return you to your OT newsgroup
-- Boomerang Bill
** I had a boomerang once; but no matter how much I tried
** to get rid of it, it always seemed to turn up again!
Boo! Meringue!: A surprise egg-white dessert.

I don't eat Topics, or Snickers - and the least said about Marathons at
the moment the better!

And don't forget, in 'I'm All Right Jack' the manggmnt turned out to be
a bunch of crooks.

Trouble is: Sellers' performance was so damned good that it's all anyone
remembers from the film.
Bill Taylor
2013-04-18 06:15:24 UTC
Post by Nemo
**   I had a boomerang once; but no matter how much I tried
**   to get rid of it, it always seemed to turn up again!
Did you get the phone? - probably one of your pals.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure a boomer rang.
Post by Nemo
A surprise egg-white dessert.
??? Pls x-plane. (Should be the xy-plane, but I'm not very wise!)
Post by Nemo
and the least said about Marathons at the moment the better!
Quite, It's an explosive topic!
Post by Nemo
And don't forget, in 'I'm All Right Jack' the management
turned out to be a bunch of crooks.
Of course! But we expect that. So who's to cheer for,
when it's one bunch of crooks against another?
Post by Nemo
Trouble is: Sellers' performance was so damned good
that it's all anyone remembers from the film.
Fantastically good! But the other main actors were very good too.
I particularly remember among the not-quite-extras, there was
a really tall gangly fellow who was part of Sellars' shop-floor
union entourage. I don't think he had a single line, but
he impressed me enormously.

-- Bill posters
2013-04-15 22:43:05 UTC
Post by R C Nesbit
Post by Bill Taylor
Her domestic policies were hateful OC.
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
Do you not remember that at the time she was heading for
electoral defeat, having tripled unemployment in her first
term, then totally ignored intelligence about the Argies -
she could have just sent in a gunboat and a few troops to
deter them, but and invasion and subsequent events were a
risk she (and the people who died) took to save her
political neck!
What actually sparked the Falklands war was her removing a gunboat from
an island close to the Falklands which also belonged to the UK but was
under dispute, and everybody and his dog over here except the Tory press
of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals to the
Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after the
Falklands. It did.

A deadly stunt deliberately provoked just to obtain votes. Bill gives
her precisely the admiration which she contrived and engineered.

Anyone remember the horrific film clip of one of our soldiers being
helped off the battlefield by comrades with one of his lower legs blown
off and with the tendons flapping about like ribbons?? Her doing?

Nemo (Still alive!)
Bill Taylor
2013-04-16 04:56:59 UTC
Post by Nemo
of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals to the
Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after the
Falklands. It did.
They said the same about the first Iraq war and Bush.
No doubt the Romans said it about the Carthaginians,
and vice versa.

Signals, opportunities, whatnots are virtually irrelevant when
it comes to assigning culpability. He who fires the first shot
is almost automatically in the wrong.

-- Bill of the high ground

** "If you don't accede to our demands, we will shoot
** the hostages and it will be YOUR responsibility!"
2013-04-16 20:18:17 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals to the
Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after the
Falklands. It did.
They said the same about the first Iraq war and Bush.
No doubt the Romans said it about the Carthaginians,
and vice versa.
Signals, opportunities, whatnots are virtually irrelevant when
it comes to assigning culpability. He who fires the first shot
is almost automatically in the wrong.
-- Bill of the high ground
** "If you don't accede to our demands, we will shoot
** the hostages and it will be YOUR responsibility!"
If something is wrong and disreputable, it remains wrong and
disreputable however many times it's been done before.
Bill Taylor
2013-04-18 06:17:50 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals to the
Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after the
Falklands. It did.
They said the same about the first Iraq war and Bush.
No doubt the Romans said it about the Carthaginians,
and vice versa.
Signals, opportunities, whatnots are virtually irrelevant when
it comes to assigning culpability.  He who fires the first shot
is almost automatically in the wrong.
-- Bill of the high ground
**   "If you don't accede to our demands, we will shoot
**    the hostages and it will be YOUR responsibility!"
If something is wrong and disreputable, it remains wrong and
disreputable however many times it's been done before.
Like blaming the enemy when you started the conflict yourself,
2013-04-19 22:43:09 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals to the
Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after the
Falklands. It did.
They said the same about the first Iraq war and Bush.
No doubt the Romans said it about the Carthaginians,
and vice versa.
Signals, opportunities, whatnots are virtually irrelevant when
it comes to assigning culpability. He who fires the first shot
is almost automatically in the wrong.
-- Bill of the high ground
** "If you don't accede to our demands, we will shoot
** the hostages and it will be YOUR responsibility!"
If something is wrong and disreputable, it remains wrong and
disreputable however many times it's been done before.
Like blaming the enemy when you started the conflict yourself,
There's a slightly different version which could be called 'Bully's
Logic' which goes,

Look! Shutcher face!!! Doan make me avvter it yer! I'll urrcher an it'll
be your fault!!

And why do all the little criminules and suspects in the fly-on-the-wall
police documentaries: 'Road Wars', 'Police Camera Action' and suchlike,
always say, "Geddat cam'rata marr faahysss!" - the 't' in 'cam'rata'
being a glottal stop - or is that a clottal stop?

And the remarkable thing is: they all say it using exactly the same
phonetics and in exactly the same tone of voice!!

And BTW. I had a blood test on Wednesday and somehow, in conversation,
the Flea-bottom-mist happened to warn direly that Maggie might well be
looking down on us from above. I replied, "Right person - wrong direction!"

Raised a bit of a laugh.
2013-04-20 04:40:05 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals to the
Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after
the Falklands. It did.
They said the same about the first Iraq war and Bush.
No doubt the Romans said it about the Carthaginians, and vice
Signals, opportunities, whatnots are virtually irrelevant when
it comes to assigning culpability. He who fires the first shot is
almost automatically in the wrong.
-- Bill of the high ground
** "If you don't accede to our demands, we will shoot ** the
hostages and it will be YOUR responsibility!"
If something is wrong and disreputable, it remains wrong and
disreputable however many times it's been done before.
Like blaming the enemy when you started the conflict yourself,
There's a slightly different version which could be called 'Bully's
Logic' which goes,
Look! Shutcher face!!! Doan make me avvter it yer! I'll urrcher an
it'll be your fault!!
And why do all the little criminules and suspects in the
fly-on-the-wall police documentaries: 'Road Wars', 'Police Camera
Action' and suchlike, always say, "Geddat cam'rata marr faahysss!" -
the 't' in 'cam'rata' being a glottal stop - or is that a clottal
And the remarkable thing is: they all say it using exactly the same
phonetics and in exactly the same tone of voice!!
Even if they're from Oop North?
Martin S
Bill Taylor
2013-04-20 10:43:27 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Like blaming the enemy when you started the conflict yourself,
Look! Shutcher face!!! Doan make me avvter it yer! I'll urrcher an it'll
be your fault!!
The fact remains that the invader of a neighbor is completely in the
Post by Nemo
And BTW. I had a blood test on Wednesday and somehow, in conversation,
the Flea-bottom-mist happened to warn direly that Maggie might well be
looking down on us from above. I replied, "Right person - wrong direction!"
Mein Gott! So she was a secret upskirt videoist AS WELL!

-- Billnok, 5th mounted molesters.
Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-20 14:43:51 UTC
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 03:43:27 -0700 (PDT), Bill Taylor
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Like blaming the enemy when you started the conflict yourself,
Look! Shutcher face!!! Doan make me avvter it yer! I'll urrcher an it'll
be your fault!!
The fact remains that the invader of a neighbor is completely in the
Und dot 'splains why you're posting to non Gooney Groups?
Ivan D. Reid
2013-04-20 15:53:04 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
-- Billnok, 5th mounted molesters.
'Ere, have you heard what they're saying about Rolf?
Ivan Reid, School of Engineering & Design, _____________ CMS Collaboration,
Brunel University. Ivan.Reid@[brunel.ac.uk|cern.ch] Room 40-1-B12, CERN
KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
Bill Taylor
2013-04-21 03:05:55 UTC
-- Billnok,  5th mounted molesters.
        'Ere, have you heard what they're saying about Rolf?

Miss Bannister and I were merely practicing the foxtrot
for the Pungee lancers' ball, and had fallen over when
the door was opened suddenly!

-- the 'Nok
2013-04-21 15:48:37 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Like blaming the enemy when you started the conflict yourself,
Look! Shutcher face!!! Doan make me avvter it yer! I'll urrcher an it'll
be your fault!!
The fact remains that the invader of a neighbor is completely in the
Post by Nemo
And BTW. I had a blood test on Wednesday and somehow, in conversation,
the Flea-bottom-mist happened to warn direly that Maggie might well be
looking down on us from above. I replied, "Right person - wrong direction!"
Mein Gott! So she was a secret upskirt videoist AS WELL!
-- Billnok, 5th mounted molesters.
Nothing would surprise me.

Her supporters rely on decent people's bad memory to remain supporters of:

The upskirt videoist giving the OK for the police and particularly the
SPG to declare war on New Age Travellers, to the extent of smashing up
their mobile homes around them while mothers had to shelter their babies
from the flying glass with their bodies, then arresting them for having
ordinary tools with them claiming they were offensive weapons. (7
successful law suits against the police resulted from that incident but
were kept quiet by the media for several *years.*)

During the print dispute, Rupert Merderock's TNT trucks were allowed to
travel through picket lines without number plates on the Upskirt
Videoist's say-so which is totally illegal, making them uninsured at the
time meaning that the trucks would be unidentifiable if there were an
accident and anyone injured would be unable to obtain compensation.

Even my ultra-Tory boss at the time was disgusted with the upskirt
videoist for that.

Also, she swore blind over and over again that New Technology in the
printing industry would not lead to job losses. And of course, she also
swore blind during the miners' strike there was no intention at all of
closing the coal mines didn't she, as did the aMerkin bully-boy she got
in to do the job!

So much for some pratt on here calling Scargill a clown! Scargill was
dead right all along!

Also, many of the police on miners' picket lines beating up pickets and
their wives *and children* were actually soldiers in police uniforms!
Proof?? One of a pair of identical twins who was a cop discovered this
when he spotted his brother, a soldier, on a picket like dressed as a cop.

Just before the cabinet forced her out of office she also announced she
wanted to repeal the Health and Safety at Work Act. It 'Bound teh hands
of employers!' she said. - One of her favourite slogans.

This was mentioned just once of Channel 4 before they were told to shut
the **** up about it!

The majority of decent companies who were prepared to spend money on
taking care of their employees' safety were totally opposed to the Act's
repeal because it would let the spiv and cowboy firms back in who spent
no money on safety and disregarded the odd few deaths and injuries at
work, who used to undercut the decent firms rotten.

And in spite of it having been traditional for donkeys' years for job
seekers to move down to seaside resorts etc. to look for seasonal work,
the Upskirt Videoist had her press lackeys allege that they were having
nice long holidays down there and (another single mention on Channel 4
then they were told to shut up about it!) brought in a law forcing
anyone between 18 and 25 who was not living with their parents to move
home every two months.

It was damned near impossible for unemployed youngsters to find anywhere
to live *at all* in those days, and finding somewhere new every two
months was a complete impossibility. This lead to a huge increase in the
epidemic of people sleeping in cardboard boxes in shop doorways and also
lead to large numbers of suicides - again, largely kept quiet.

The list is endless - and horrific.

On a lighter note - a magnesium E-flat, and for the sake of a.h.puns . .
. .

More recently, there was a move to compel some of London's long-term
unemployed to go down to Kent (the UK one) to assist with the fruit
harvests, which (wait for it . . ) would have meant them changing over
from fruitless jobseeking to jobless fruitseeking!
Bill Taylor
2013-04-23 13:58:03 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
The fact remains that the invader of a neighbor is completely in the
The upskirt videoist giving the OK for the police and particularly the
SPG to declare war on New Age Travellers, to the extent of smashing up
Also, she swore blind over and over again that New Technology
This was mentioned just once of Channel 4 before they were told to shut
the **** up about it!
anyone between 18 and 25 who was not living with their parents to move
home every two months.
The list is endless - and horrific.
Oh wait... here's the end of it!

Anyway, I believe I mentioned earlier that her home policies
were fairly frightful, BUT....

The fact remains that that tinpot Argie general needed
a thump on the nose, and she had the balls to give him one.

Three cheers for that at least!

And I note the tinpot general was fairly soon afterwards deposed
by his own country. As we saw earlier in Greece, the best way
to get rid of a military dictator is to get him to do something
military, and lose.

My heart waits longingly for Kim Il Sung the third to
accidentally blunder into a conflict there!

I'm not sanguine though...

-- Billnok, 9th household arquebusiers (retired).
2013-04-23 23:56:44 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
The fact remains that the invader of a neighbor is completely in the
Nothing would surprise me.

Her supporters rely on decent people's bad memory to remain supporters of:

The upskirt videoist giving the OK for the police and particularly the
SPG to declare war on New Age Travellers, to the extent of smashing up
their mobile homes around them while mothers had to shelter their babies
from the flying glass with their bodies, then arresting them for having
ordinary tools with them claiming they were offensive weapons. (7
successful law suits against the police resulted from that incident but
were kept quiet by the media for several *years.*)

During the print dispute, Rupert Merderock's TNT trucks were allowed to
travel through picket lines without number plates on the Upskirt
Videoist's say-so which is totally illegal, making them uninsured at the
time meaning that the trucks would be unidentifiable if there were an
accident and anyone injured would be unable to obtain compensation.

Even my ultra-Tory boss at the time was disgusted with the upskirt
videoist for that.

Also, she swore blind over and over again that New Technology in the
printing industry would not lead to job losses. And of course, she also
swore blind during the miners' strike there was no intention at all of
closing the coal mines didn't she, as did the aMerkin bully-boy she got
in to do the job!

So much for some pratt on here calling Scargill a clown! Scargill was
dead right all along!

Also, many of the police on miners' picket lines beating up pickets and
their wives *and children* were actually soldiers in police uniforms!
Proof?? One of a pair of identical twins who was a cop discovered this
when he spotted his brother, a soldier, on a picket like dressed as a cop.

Just before the cabinet forced her out of office she also announced she
wanted to repeal the Health and Safety at Work Act. It 'Bound teh hands
of employers!' she said. - One of her favourite slogans.

This was mentioned just once of Channel 4 before they were told to shut
the **** up about it!

The majority of decent companies who were prepared to spend money on
taking care of their employees' safety were totally opposed to the Act's
repeal because it would let the spiv and cowboy firms back in who spent
no money on safety and disregarded the odd few deaths and injuries at
work, who used to undercut the decent firms rotten.

And in spite of it having been traditional for donkeys' years for job
seekers to move down to seaside resorts etc. to look for seasonal work,
the Upskirt Videoist had her press lackeys allege that they were having
nice long holidays down there and (another single mention on Channel 4
then they were told to shut up about it!) brought in a law forcing
anyone between 18 and 25 who was not living with their parents to move
home every two months.

It was damned near impossible for unemployed youngsters to find anywhere
to live *at all* in those days, and finding somewhere new every two
months was a complete impossibility. This lead to a huge increase in the
epidemic of people sleeping in cardboard boxes in shop doorways and also
lead to large numbers of suicides - again, largely kept quiet.

The list is endless - and horrific.

On a lighter note - a magnesium E-flat, and for the sake of a.h.puns . . . .

More recently, there was a move to compel some of London's long-term
unemployed to go down to Kent (the UK one) to assist with the fruit
harvests, which (wait for it . . ) would have meant them changing over
from fruitless jobseeking to jobless fruitseeking!

Thanks for leaving that space . .
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
The upskirt videoist giving the OK for the police and particularly the
SPG to declare war on New Age Travellers, to the extent of smashing up
Also, she swore blind over and over again that New Technology
This was mentioned just once of Channel 4 before they were told to shut
the **** up about it!
anyone between 18 and 25 who was not living with their parents to move
home every two months.
The list is endless - and horrific.
Oh wait... here's the end of it!
Anyway, I believe I mentioned earlier that her home policies
were fairly frightful, BUT....
The fact remains that that tinpot Argie general needed
a thump on the nose, and she had the balls to give him one.
Three cheers for that at least!
And I note the tinpot general was fairly soon afterwards deposed
by his own country. As we saw earlier in Greece, the best way
to get rid of a military dictator is to get him to do something
military, and lose.
My heart waits longingly for Kim Il Sung the third to
accidentally blunder into a conflict there!
I'm not sanguine though...
-- Billnok, 9th household arquebusiers (retired).
Pretty thin arguments . . .

And BTW. You need a new keyboatd!
2013-04-16 11:52:21 UTC
Post by R C Nesbit
Post by Bill Taylor
Her domestic policies were hateful OC.
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
Do you not remember that at the time she was heading for
electoral defeat, having tripled unemployment in her first
term, then totally ignored intelligence about the Argies -
she could have just sent in a gunboat and a few troops to
deter them, but and invasion and subsequent events were a
risk she (and the people who died) took to save her
political neck!
What actually sparked the Falklands war was her removing a gunboat from an
island close to the Falklands which also belonged to the UK but was under
dispute, and everybody and his dog over here except the Tory press of
course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals to the
Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after the
Falklands. It did.
A deadly stunt deliberately provoked just to obtain votes. Bill gives her
precisely the admiration which she contrived and engineered.
Anyone remember the horrific film clip of one of our soldiers being helped
off the battlefield by comrades with one of his lower legs blown off and
with the tendons flapping about like ribbons?? Her doing?
Remember the victory parade, where they wanted to keep the maimed servicemen
hidden at the back because their injuries would remind the public that war
wasn't all glamour and glory?
Gordon Davie
Edinburgh, Scotland

"Slipped the surly bonds of Earth...to touch the face of God."
2013-04-16 20:21:45 UTC
Post by GordonD
Post by Nemo
Post by R C Nesbit
Post by Bill Taylor
Her domestic policies were hateful OC.
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
Do you not remember that at the time she was heading for
electoral defeat, having tripled unemployment in her first
term, then totally ignored intelligence about the Argies -
she could have just sent in a gunboat and a few troops to
deter them, but and invasion and subsequent events were a
risk she (and the people who died) took to save her
political neck!
What actually sparked the Falklands war was her removing a gunboat
from an island close to the Falklands which also belonged to the UK
but was under dispute, and everybody and his dog over here except the
Tory press of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals
to the Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after
the Falklands. It did.
A deadly stunt deliberately provoked just to obtain votes. Bill gives
her precisely the admiration which she contrived and engineered.
Anyone remember the horrific film clip of one of our soldiers being
helped off the battlefield by comrades with one of his lower legs
blown off and with the tendons flapping about like ribbons?? Her doing?
Remember the victory parade, where they wanted to keep the maimed
servicemen hidden at the back because their injuries would remind the
public that war wasn't all glamour and glory?
Thanks for reminding me. Disgusting.

And what about that chap who was badly burned. I think he got it in a
later conflict, I'm not sure. He kept getting thrown out of restaurants
in case he upset the customers!
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-17 09:02:45 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by GordonD
Post by Nemo
Post by R C Nesbit
Post by Bill Taylor
Her domestic policies were hateful OC.
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
Do you not remember that at the time she was heading for
electoral defeat, having tripled unemployment in her first
term, then totally ignored intelligence about the Argies -
she could have just sent in a gunboat and a few troops to
deter them, but and invasion and subsequent events were a
risk she (and the people who died) took to save her
political neck!
What actually sparked the Falklands war was her removing a gunboat
from an island close to the Falklands which also belonged to the UK
but was under dispute, and everybody and his dog over here except the
Tory press of course, said that this would sent all the wrong signals
to the Argentinians and make them believe it might be safe to go after
the Falklands. It did.
A deadly stunt deliberately provoked just to obtain votes. Bill gives
her precisely the admiration which she contrived and engineered.
Anyone remember the horrific film clip of one of our soldiers being
helped off the battlefield by comrades with one of his lower legs
blown off and with the tendons flapping about like ribbons?? Her doing?
Remember the victory parade, where they wanted to keep the maimed
servicemen hidden at the back because their injuries would remind the
public that war wasn't all glamour and glory?
Thanks for reminding me. Disgusting.
And what about that chap who was badly burned. I think he got it in a
later conflict, I'm not sure. He kept getting thrown out of restaurants
in case he upset the customers!
Simon Weston? He found fame.
It's a money /life balance.
Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-17 14:53:55 UTC
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Post by Nemo
Post by GordonD
Remember the victory parade, where they wanted to keep the maimed
servicemen hidden at the back because their injuries would remind the
public that war wasn't all glamour and glory?
Thanks for reminding me. Disgusting.
And what about that chap who was badly burned. I think he got it in a
later conflict, I'm not sure. He kept getting thrown out of restaurants
in case he upset the customers!
Simon Weston? He found fame.
... but not fortune.
Will O'l bummer run the British Marathon?
Bill Taylor
2013-04-16 04:51:21 UTC
Post by R C Nesbit
Post by Bill Taylor
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
Do you not remember that at the time she was heading for
electoral defeat,
Undoubtedly the electoral situation influenced her decision to
re-take the Falklands. But...
Post by R C Nesbit
she could have just sent in a gunboat and a few troops to
deter them, but and invasion and subsequent events were a
risk she took to save her political neck!
...the suggestion that she deliberately *provoked* an Argie
invasion is pretty ridiculous.

Never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by stupidity!

Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-16 14:59:48 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
...the suggestion that she deliberately *provoked* an Argie
invasion is pretty ridiculous.
Never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by stupidity!
Or National Pride and Ego ...
2013-04-16 20:24:56 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by R C Nesbit
Post by Bill Taylor
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
Do you not remember that at the time she was heading for
electoral defeat,
Undoubtedly the electoral situation influenced her decision to
re-take the Falklands. But...
Post by R C Nesbit
she could have just sent in a gunboat and a few troops to
deter them, but and invasion and subsequent events were a
risk she took to save her political neck!
...the suggestion that she deliberately *provoked* an Argie
invasion is pretty ridiculous.
Never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by stupidity!
Narr. Be on the safe side. Everything is conspiracy! - especially with a
PM who gets her way by using the tone of voice of a stage hypnotist!

Or am I the only one to notice that as well?
Bill Taylor
2013-04-18 06:24:00 UTC
Post by Nemo
Narr. Be on the safe side. Everything is conspiracy! - especially with a
PM who gets her way by using the tone of voice of a stage hypnotist!
Speaking of which; did you (or anyone else) see and recall
a marvelous little Peter Cook and Dudley Moore skit
on this topic? It was Cook by himself, doing a TV ad
for his toffee-nosed party, which enjoined the viewers
to forget all the issues, and just sit back and relax,
Then he got out a fob watch and started it swinging
hypnotically, and delivered a post-hypnotic suggestion
that the next day they would
in the most convincingly stentorian tones.

Wonderful stuff!

-- The right-honorable reminiscing Bill
Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-18 14:04:26 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Speaking of which; did you (or anyone else) see and recall
a marvelous little Peter Cook and Dudley Moore skit
on this topic? It was Cook by himself, doing a TV ad
for his toffee-nosed party, which enjoined the viewers
to forget all the issues, and just sit back and relax,
Then he got out a fob watch and started it swinging
hypnotically, and delivered a post-hypnotic suggestion
that the next day they would
in the most convincingly stentorian tones.
BamBam is trying that trick waggling his pinkie ...
2013-04-19 22:27:27 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Narr. Be on the safe side. Everything is conspiracy! - especially with a
PM who gets her way by using the tone of voice of a stage hypnotist!
Speaking of which; did you (or anyone else) see and recall
a marvelous little Peter Cook and Dudley Moore skit
on this topic? It was Cook by himself, doing a TV ad
for his toffee-nosed party, which enjoined the viewers
to forget all the issues, and just sit back and relax,
Then he got out a fob watch and started it swinging
hypnotically, and delivered a post-hypnotic suggestion
that the next day they would
in the most convincingly stentorian tones.
Wonderful stuff!
-- The right-honorable reminiscing Bill
I don't remember it.

I'll have to have a look on "EWE TUBE"!
Frederick Williams
2013-04-20 09:32:17 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Narr. Be on the safe side. Everything is conspiracy! - especially with a
PM who gets her way by using the tone of voice of a stage hypnotist!
Speaking of which; did you (or anyone else) see and recall
a marvelous little Peter Cook and Dudley Moore skit
on this topic? It was Cook by himself, doing a TV ad
for his toffee-nosed party, which enjoined the viewers
to forget all the issues, and just sit back and relax,
Then he got out a fob watch and started it swinging
hypnotically, and delivered a post-hypnotic suggestion
that the next day they would
in the most convincingly stentorian tones.
Wonderful stuff!
-- The right-honorable reminiscing Bill
I don't remember it.
I'll have to have a look on "EWE TUBE"!
Ewe tube if you want to, the lady's not for tubing.
When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by
this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
Jonathan Swift: Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting
2013-04-21 15:57:23 UTC
Post by Frederick Williams
Post by Nemo
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
Narr. Be on the safe side. Everything is conspiracy! - especially with a
PM who gets her way by using the tone of voice of a stage hypnotist!
Speaking of which; did you (or anyone else) see and recall
a marvelous little Peter Cook and Dudley Moore skit
on this topic? It was Cook by himself, doing a TV ad
for his toffee-nosed party, which enjoined the viewers
to forget all the issues, and just sit back and relax,
Then he got out a fob watch and started it swinging
hypnotically, and delivered a post-hypnotic suggestion
that the next day they would
in the most convincingly stentorian tones.
Wonderful stuff!
-- The right-honorable reminiscing Bill
I don't remember it.
I'll have to have a look on "EWE TUBE"!
Ewe tube if you want to, the lady's not for tubing.
With her on it - it'd be SowTube!!!

Still - mustn't speak ill of the dead . . . . Oooh. I don't know though!
2013-04-15 22:33:06 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
I tend to agree with most of your anti-Snatcher remarks, but...
Post by Nemo
Deadee Thuggee Thatcher
I don't get this. Is it a pun of some sort?
Post by Nemo
These are my views now after all the selective memory and gross
hypocrisy that her death has provoked.
Her domestic policies were hateful OC.
But I still approve and admire her for whacking
that dago tinpot general in the south Atlantic!
-- El presidente Fred!
And for murdering 600 sailors on a battleship sailing *away* from the
Falklands "because it might have turned around"!

And teh sub's log book was found to be missing when it returned! All
together now . . . Oh what a surprise!!

Like I said - nobody seems to be able to remember the bad bits. I hope
Saint Peter and the Archangel Michael remember them.

Nemo (Still alive!)
Michael N. LeVine
2013-04-15 12:27:41 UTC
Post by Nemo
Still trying to justify your way of life...
No need - because . . .
Nemo. (Still alive!)
Your just fighting to stay that way?
It's "you're"! - and no. I wouldn't call taking a few tablets fighting.
They work and that's that, which is more than I have to do these days.
No body light a match .....
That was on oral raspberry, not a full-blown raspberry tart!
But it still stink, from tart to finish.
What's wrong? Three fairly good ones in one week! Urin proving.
Was it a grey tart - or a piece of grey tart? And if so, witch gallery
did they hang it in - Deaddee Thuggee Thatcher's favourite, The Hate
Modern? - and was she hung in there as well?
Are you trying to flan the flames?
Are they cremating her then?? I wooden toff thought so. The air
pollution and terrible sulphurous smell would kill most of London! They
should put her on a powerful catafalque and shoot her out into space!!
No. No. I take that back. All the other planets would shoot off to other
galaxies somewhere to avoid such a vile cargo and that would cause
gravitational effects that could destroy the Earth!
Good news: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22145306
And they're putting the fucking cow on a par with Churchill now by
having the Queen attend! That really is disgusting!
Churchill (with help from the yEncs of course - credit where it's due)
ended a war where Hitler was bombing our industry to bits, and then she
came along and closed the rest by having police behaving like Nazi thugs
beating up workers - men women *and children* - and by bankrupting the
whole bloody country. Am I the only one who remembers this?
That's what happens when a PM is also a Templar!
And it's just been confirmed on the News that one of the corrupt
businessmen who went to gaol after the Guinness Scandal years ago has
been invited to the fucking cow's funeral!
After that, I still wouldn't condone the funeral being disrupted, but I
wouldn't be too upset if it were either!
It'll get worse before Wednesday - you watch!
And, miracle of miracles - there's actually a discussion on LBC at the
moment that *isn't* about Deadee Thuggee Thatcher at last! HOORAYYYY!
Nope. I was wrong. The stupid git is accepting calls about her again.
These are my views now after all the selective memory and gross
hypocrisy that her death has provoked.
The disgust I feel at the huge steaming fly-covered stinking pile of
hubris that has appeared since her death based on everything from
selective memory to downright lies, probably combined with 'D' Notices
being issued banning mantion of her more savage policies is beyond
belief - so do what yer like.
[Whining tone . .] "Heeeeee attacked myyyy politics!!!!!!" Sod it.
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-04-16 21:35:03 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?

Actually, I posted an apology for my remark, as being too harsh -
x-posted here from a.f.goons and it looks like it's not got here yet.

In fact, this entire thread was marked as read on here (a.h.puns) by
Thunderbird as the messages were received and before I saw them. Very odd.

I know it's such a heinous crime to remove someone else's posts from a
group that people have been thrown permanently off-line by their ISPs
for doing so - but praps someone's come up with another less-serious
trick that just hides messages in this way - or praps Thunderbird is
total and utter crap! Wadi Yatinq?

In fact the only thing Blunderthird's really good at is bulk downloading
yEnc files straight into a nominated folder. You select em and
right-click 'Save', then select the folder where you want em put, where
they can be decoded separately later.

Iyyy suppose this is a bit like Tit Borrent.

Don't tell anybody! The entertainment industry loathe Tit Borrent.

Oh dear - how sad - never mind!

The phrase is in here somewhere . .

2013-04-17 11:15:27 UTC

I didn't go down there. I overslept as usual and will be steering well
clear of the whole thing.

That blokes right. £30million spent on the nearest thing we've had in
this country to a nazi PM. I was quite genuinely afraid that she might
go that way - she was so near to those sort of policies, except it would
have been working-class people being exterminated this time.

Thank heavens teh cabinet sacked her when they did.

Michael N. LeVine
2013-04-17 12:39:44 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-17 14:52:07 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
You need an amplifire on Guy Fawkes night ...
Roger the Saurus
2013-04-18 22:48:50 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly, funny
comments and occasionally answer sensible questions about the Goons. Then we
got invaded by a lot of trolls writing about all sorts of weird sex and
hurling insults at each other. It's reasonably easy to avoid them. Now
people who purport to be Goon fans are making malicious comments. Go
elsewhere and do it. Leave this group to those who want to talk about the
Goons, sound like the Goons and be the Goons. And if that means it's just
me, Judith and Bill Taylor left, so be it.
Roger the Saurus
(remove bollix to reply)
I'm the famous Eccles
2013-04-19 00:19:16 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly, funny
comments and occasionally answer sensible questions about the Goons. Then we
got invaded by a lot of trolls writing about all sorts of weird sex and
hurling insults at each other. It's reasonably easy to avoid them. Now
people who purport to be Goon fans are making malicious comments. Go
elsewhere and do it. Leave this group to those who want to talk about the
Goons, sound like the Goons and be the Goons. And if that means it's just
me, Judith and Bill Taylor left, so be it.
Roger the Saurus
(remove bollix to reply)

I heared you my capting, I heared you, I did.

Lance Private Bottule reporting for dooty, with liquorice rifle and dolly
mixture bullets.

I don't like dis gayme, the only deaded people we should be talkin' 'bout
should be me an' Eccules.

Don't worry what people think, not many people do it.
Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-19 15:19:17 UTC
Go elsewhere and do it. Leave this group to those who want to talk about the
Goons, sound like the Goons and be the Goons. And if that means it's just
me, Judith and Bill Taylor left, so be it.
Roger the Saurus
(remove bollix to reply)
I heared you my capting, I heared you, I did.
I don't like dis gayme, the only deaded people we should be talkin' 'bout
should be me an' Eccules.
Sometimes ya just goota go ... OW !!!
2013-04-19 23:10:09 UTC
Post by Sir F.A. Rien
Go elsewhere and do it. Leave this group to those who want to talk about the
Goons, sound like the Goons and be the Goons. And if that means it's just
me, Judith and Bill Taylor left, so be it.
Roger the Saurus
(remove bollix to reply)
I heared you my capting, I heared you, I did.
I don't like dis gayme, the only deaded people we should be talkin' 'bout
should be me an' Eccules.
Sometimes ya just goota go ... OW !!!
Oooohh! Owwwwwww often's dat den?
2013-04-21 16:09:09 UTC
Post by Sir F.A. Rien
Go elsewhere and do it. Leave this group to those who want to talk about the
Goons, sound like the Goons and be the Goons. And if that means it's just
me, Judith and Bill Taylor left, so be it.
Roger the Saurus
(remove bollix to reply)
I heared you my capting, I heared you, I did.
I don't like dis gayme, the only deaded people we should be talkin' 'bout
should be me an' Eccules.
Sometimes ya just goota go ... OW !!!
Shhhhhhh. My so-called 'safely lodged' kidney stone has grown to 1.1 cm!
It might hear!! (>!<) And it's asplenia nose on yer face that they
can't lythotrypt it because I'm on Warfarin and have no spleen!
2013-04-19 21:06:25 UTC
Post by Roger the Saurus
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly, funny
comments and occasionally answer sensible questions about the Goons. Then we
got invaded by a lot of trolls writing about all sorts of weird sex and
hurling insults at each other. It's reasonably easy to avoid them. Now
people who purport to be Goon fans are making malicious comments. Go
elsewhere and do it. Leave this group to those who want to talk about the
Goons, sound like the Goons and be the Goons. And if that means it's just
me, Judith and Bill Taylor left, so be it.
The trouble here started with two people cross-posting: to a group of
seriously disturbed people by a former member of afg.; and to the nasty
pun group by Nemo.

Please do NOT cross-post!

Judith, proud survivor of a nearly-extinct yet noble newsgroup.
Nature is a large damp space where birds fly about uncooked.
-Oscar Wilde
2013-04-19 23:08:43 UTC
Post by Roger the Saurus
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly,
funny comments and occasionally answer sensible questions about the
Goons. Then we got invaded by a lot of trolls writing about all sorts of
weird sex and hurling insults at each other. It's reasonably easy to
avoid them. Now people who purport to be Goon fans are making malicious
comments. Go elsewhere and do it. Leave this group to those who want to
talk about the Goons, sound like the Goons and be the Goons. And if that
means it's just me, Judith and Bill Taylor left, so be it.
Pint taken. (Don't tell my doctor!)

X-posts remyooved from now on. If not, it'll be because I forgot.
Sir F.A. Rien
2013-04-20 14:50:26 UTC
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly, funny comments and occasionally
answer sensible questions about the Goons.
[W.B. Also K.N.A. - Bronte Soros...]
NOT on the group you posted this to!

You stay on yours, we'll stay on hours.

That's an official minute.
2013-04-20 16:59:53 UTC
Post by Sir F.A. Rien
Post by Roger the Saurus
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly, funny
comments and occasionally
answer sensible questions about the Goons.
[W.B. Also K.N.A. - Bronte Soros...]
NOT on the group you posted this to!
You stay on yours, we'll stay on hours.
That's an official minute.
He's right, you know. Again: Goon Show fans: be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.

Mother Judith
Nature is a large damp space where birds fly about uncooked.
-Oscar Wilde
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-20 21:38:09 UTC
Post by Judith
Post by Sir F.A. Rien
Post by Roger the Saurus
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly,
Post by Roger the Saurus
comments and occasionally
answer sensible questions about the Goons.
[W.B. Also K.N.A. - Bronte Soros...]
NOT on the group you posted this to!
You stay on yours, we'll stay on hours.
That's an official minute.
He's right, you know. Again: Goon Show fans: be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
Mother Judith
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
It's a money /life balance.
Bill Taylor
2013-04-21 03:09:01 UTC
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
It's a money /life balance.
That's what Dick Turpin used to say!!
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-21 12:20:23 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
It's a money /life balance.
That's what Dick Turpin used to say!!
"Money redistributed while you wait" is our mission statement
It's a money /life balance.
2013-04-21 14:20:53 UTC
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Post by Judith
Post by Sir F.A. Rien
Post by Roger the Saurus
We used to discuss the Goons on this group and make a lot of silly,
Post by Roger the Saurus
comments and occasionally
answer sensible questions about the Goons.
[W.B. Also K.N.A. - Bronte Soros...]
NOT on the group you posted this to!
You stay on yours, we'll stay on hours.
That's an official minute.
He's right, you know. Again: Goon Show fans: be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
Mother Judith
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.

Nature is a large damp space where birds fly about uncooked.
-Oscar Wilde
Robert E A Harvey
2013-04-21 19:26:29 UTC
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Bob Harvey
2013-04-21 20:56:22 UTC
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military regiment.
Ideas for its name?

Nature is a large damp space where birds fly about uncooked.
-Oscar Wilde
2013-04-21 21:07:56 UTC
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military regiment.
Ideas for its name?
The Here Today and Goon Tomorrow Regiment?
^Ï^. Sn!pe <***@notforspam.fsnet.co.uk>

My pet rock Gordon just is.
Robert E A Harvey
2013-04-21 21:27:52 UTC
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Judith
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military
regiment. Ideas for its name?
The Here Today and Goon Tomorrow Regiment?
'Judith' is a silly name for a sheddiment.

Goon but not unremembered?
Bob Harvey
Nicholas D. Richards
2013-04-21 22:47:30 UTC
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military regiment.
Ideas for its name?
The Here Today and Goon Tomorrow Regiment?
The Old Contemptibles? Or are we too young for that? In that case the
BEF, even though we are unlikely to Expedition.
Nicholas David Richards -

"Où sont les neiges d'antan?"
2013-04-22 15:16:46 UTC
Post by Nicholas D. Richards
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military regiment.
Ideas for its name?
The Here Today and Goon Tomorrow Regiment?
The Old Contemptibles? Or are we too young for that? In that case the
BEF, even though we are unlikely to Expedition.
The Charabanc Outing Refusiliers?
^Ï^. Sn!pe <***@notforspam.fsnet.co.uk>

My pet rock Gordon just is.
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-22 18:05:52 UTC
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Judith
Ideas for its name?
The Here Today and Goon Tomorrow Regiment?
The Old Contemptibles? Or are we too young for that? In that case the
BEF, even though we are unlikely to Expedition.
The Charabanc Outing Refusiliers?
Darn, for a moment I gooved you said refulers [1], Mine's a pint!

[1] as ane fuler knos
It's a money /life balance.
Jim Price
2013-04-21 21:29:15 UTC
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military regiment.
Ideas for its name?
The Welshish Seagoon Guards. Seagoon pronounced with a shortish C, or in
other words, assonant with Dragoon. Nobody is going to want to fight
something which is assonant with Dragoon.
║ ║ ║ ║ ║
╔═╝ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╔═╝
╚═══╩═╩═╩═╩═╩═╝ -- JimP.
2013-04-22 14:58:01 UTC
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military regiment.
Ideas for its name?
ShedForce One. Aka 'The Goonians", strike terror in the hartz of R
2013-04-24 02:28:08 UTC
Post by Judith
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Maybe the Shedi and afg. could join forces and form a military regiment.
Ideas for its name?
2nd Sand Irregulars.
2013-04-24 13:38:55 UTC
On Wed, 24 Apr 2013 03:28:08 +0100, Sleepalot
Post by Sleepalot
2nd Sand Irregulars.
3rd Forth Fifers
2013-04-24 16:46:12 UTC
Post by ben.darling
Post by Sleepalot
2nd Sand Irregulars.
3rd Forth Fifers
Are they all at sixes and sevens?
Martin S
Andrew Marshall
2013-04-24 20:47:16 UTC
Post by MartinS
Post by ben.darling
Post by Sleepalot
2nd Sand Irregulars.
3rd Forth Fifers
Are they all at sixes and sevens?
I allus gooved 'twas "Forfar 4 - Fife 5", innit.
Andrew Marshall, G8BUR, M0MAA.
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-24 21:04:03 UTC
On Wed, 24 Apr 2013 21:47:16 +0100, Andrew Marshall
Post by Andrew Marshall
Post by MartinS
Post by ben.darling
Post by Sleepalot
2nd Sand Irregulars.
3rd Forth Fifers
Are they all at sixes and sevens?
I allus gooved 'twas "Forfar 4 - Fife 5", innit.
*East* Fife

Mr Internet knows about it:

(a bit goonish [Mr Bentine], and very sheddi - the u-bend link is dead
It's a money /life balance.
2013-04-22 14:54:32 UTC
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Yesterday I got TEN messages. Please buck up, or I shall have to send
them to myself. And then where would we be? Ey? Ey?
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-22 18:02:19 UTC
Post by Molesworth
Post by Robert E A Harvey
Post by Judith
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Welllll, all right then. Shedi are goodi. Exceptional, really.
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Yesterday I got TEN messages. Please buck up, or I shall have to send
them to myself. And then where would we be? Ey? Ey?
You could pretend to be someone else. There's a lot of socks out there.
I said socks, stop getting excited.
It's a money /life balance.
2013-04-22 22:29:56 UTC
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Post by Molesworth
Post by Robert E A Harvey
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Yesterday I got TEN messages. Please buck up, or I shall have to send
them to myself. And then where would we be? Ey? Ey?
You could pretend to be someone else. There's a lot of socks out there.
I said socks, stop getting excited.
There bloomin' well are, too. In some of my froups it looks as though
there are a couple of dozen subscribers but I'm convinced that in fact
there aren't more than three or four real poasters (fsvo "real").
^Ï^. Sn!pe <***@notforspam.fsnet.co.uk>

My pet rock Gordon just is.
Nicholas D. Richards
2013-04-23 20:25:02 UTC
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Post by Molesworth
Post by Robert E A Harvey
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Yesterday I got TEN messages. Please buck up, or I shall have to send
them to myself. And then where would we be? Ey? Ey?
You could pretend to be someone else. There's a lot of socks out there.
I said socks, stop getting excited.
There bloomin' well are, too. In some of my froups it looks as though
there are a couple of dozen subscribers but I'm convinced that in fact
there aren't more than three or four real poasters (fsvo "real").
Your are not me, and I am real, so that makes two of us. You could not
fake Tony, so that makes 3.
Nicholas David Richards -

"Où sont les neiges d'antan?"
2013-04-23 22:44:39 UTC
Post by Nicholas D. Richards
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Post by Molesworth
Post by Robert E A Harvey
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Yesterday I got TEN messages. Please buck up, or I shall have to send
them to myself. And then where would we be? Ey? Ey?
You could pretend to be someone else. There's a lot of socks out there.
I said socks, stop getting excited.
There bloomin' well are, too. In some of my froups it looks as though
there are a couple of dozen subscribers but I'm convinced that in fact
there aren't more than three or four real poasters (fsvo "real").
Your are not me, and I am real, so that makes two of us. You could not
fake Tony, so that makes 3.
I'm at least two of us, depending on whether I'm on the lappy or the
iMAC, but that's Nesbitt's fault. 'Ang on, that makes four.

2013-04-24 07:51:13 UTC
Post by canaldrifter
I'm at least two of us, depending on whether I'm on the lappy or the
iMAC, but that's Nesbitt's fault. 'Ang on, that makes four.
That compensates for me then, because I'm a snxr and count as zero.

(refreshingly unconcerned with the vulgar exigencies of veracity)
Frank Erskine
2013-04-23 23:51:53 UTC
On Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:25:02 +0100, "Nicholas D. Richards"
Post by Nicholas D. Richards
Post by Sn!pe
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
Post by Molesworth
Post by Robert E A Harvey
I think we are dying off. A one time you could count on 500 posts/day
min. Min.
Yesterday I got TEN messages. Please buck up, or I shall have to send
them to myself. And then where would we be? Ey? Ey?
You could pretend to be someone else. There's a lot of socks out there.
I said socks, stop getting excited.
There bloomin' well are, too. In some of my froups it looks as though
there are a couple of dozen subscribers but I'm convinced that in fact
there aren't more than three or four real poasters (fsvo "real").
Your are not me, and I am real, so that makes two of us. You could not
fake Tony, so that makes 3.
IRTA:- "You could not fake Tory..."
Bill Taylor
2013-04-21 03:08:07 UTC
He's right, you know.  Again:  Goon Show fans:  be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
Mother Judith
<cheerful Ned voice> Thank you mother!
<deep throaty voice> Thank you Neddy.
Ivan D. Reid
2013-04-21 10:44:44 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
He's right, you know. ?Again: ?Goon Show fans: ?be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
Mother Judith
<cheerful Ned voice> Thank you mother!
<deep throaty voice> Thank you Neddy.
Ned: Dressed like that, not even my own mother would have recognised me!
Throat: Hello, Neddy.
Ned: Hello, Mother.
-- Foiled by President Fred (filtered by the mists of wine^H^H^H^Htime)
Ivan Reid, School of Engineering & Design, _____________ CMS Collaboration,
Brunel University. Ivan.Reid@[brunel.ac.uk|cern.ch] Room 40-1-B12, CERN
KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
Brian Gaff
2013-04-21 11:07:18 UTC
Well obviously not following own advice here then.
Brian the non practicing IT union rep.
Brian Gaff....Note, this account does not accept Bcc: email.
graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
Email: ***@blueyonder.co.uk
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 20:08:07 -0700 (PDT), Bill Taylor
wrote in
Post by Bill Taylor
He's right, you know. ?Again: ?Goon Show fans: ?be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
Mother Judith
<cheerful Ned voice> Thank you mother!
<deep throaty voice> Thank you Neddy.
Ned: Dressed like that, not even my own mother would have recognised me!
Throat: Hello, Neddy.
Ned: Hello, Mother.
-- Foiled by President Fred (filtered by the mists of wine^H^H^H^Htime)
Ivan Reid, School of Engineering & Design, _____________ CMS
KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-21 12:18:55 UTC
On Sun, 21 Apr 2013 11:44:44 +0100, Ivan D. Reid
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 20:08:07 -0700 (PDT), Bill Taylor
wrote in
Post by Bill Taylor
He's right, you know. ?Again: ?Goon Show fans: ?be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
Mother Judith
<cheerful Ned voice> Thank you mother!
<deep throaty voice> Thank you Neddy.
Ned: Dressed like that, not even my own mother would have recognised me!
Throat: Hello, Neddy.
Ned: Hello, Mother.
-- Foiled by President Fred (filtered by the mists of wine^H^H^H^Htime)
Norty xposting type you!
It's a money /life balance.
Ivan D. Reid
2013-04-21 16:23:13 UTC
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
On Sun, 21 Apr 2013 11:44:44 +0100, Ivan D. Reid
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 20:08:07 -0700 (PDT), Bill Taylor
wrote in
Post by Bill Taylor
He's right, you know. ?Again: ?Goon Show fans: ?be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
<cheerful Ned voice> Thank you mother!
<deep throaty voice> Thank you Neddy.
Ned: Dressed like that, not even my own mother would have recognised me!
Throat: Hello, Neddy.
Ned: Hello, Mother.
-- Foiled by President Fred (filtered by the mists of wine^H^H^H^Htime)
Norty xposting type you!
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Ivan Reid, School of Engineering & Design, _____________ CMS Collaboration,
Brunel University. Ivan.Reid@[brunel.ac.uk|cern.ch] Room 40-1-B12, CERN
KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
Stanley Daniel de Liver
2013-04-22 18:10:25 UTC
On Sun, 21 Apr 2013 17:23:13 +0100, Ivan D. Reid
On Sun, 21 Apr 2013 13:18:55 +0100, Stanley Daniel de Liver
Post by Stanley Daniel de Liver
On Sun, 21 Apr 2013 11:44:44 +0100, Ivan D. Reid
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 20:08:07 -0700 (PDT), Bill Taylor
wrote in
Post by Bill Taylor
He's right, you know. ?Again: ?Goon Show fans: ?be sure when you post
that the newsgroup space at the top lists ONLY alt.fan.goons.
<cheerful Ned voice> Thank you mother!
<deep throaty voice> Thank you Neddy.
Ned: Dressed like that, not even my own mother would have recognised me!
Throat: Hello, Neddy.
Ned: Hello, Mother.
-- Foiled by President Fred (filtered by the mists of
Norty xposting type you!
Aw. You can xpost to the shed, if you like.
Oh. So I did, Carry on, Pigeon.
It's a money /life balance.
2013-04-19 23:01:29 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.


And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!

Neither az this bloke. Eez dead! Oooooo-arrr!

Michael N. LeVine
2013-04-20 13:03:48 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-04-21 16:12:02 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
If he's anything like Kenneth Williams, he'd be delighted!

And "ToP-ART (Total Performance Anti-Resonance Technology) "

The amp's case is a totally undamped cheap tin box that rings if I tap it!!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-04-21 17:55:39 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
If he's anything like Kenneth Williams, he'd be delighted!
If he paid his electric bill, that would not have happened.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-10 12:37:12 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!

José and hose 'B' would have to drench eem to cool im down!

El momento de wettydad!

Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-10 12:52:57 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-11 15:02:05 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
José and hose 'B' would have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"
José and hose 'B' would have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"José and hose 'B' would
have to drench eem to cool im down!
El momento de wettydad!
Spike Milligan: "I don't care whose dad it is!!"
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-11 15:18:00 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-22 20:46:10 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-23 11:16:34 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-23 13:57:31 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!!

Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-23 14:26:54 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-24 00:11:12 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-24 12:21:25 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
They were not swingers?
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-26 00:45:15 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
They were not swingers?
Mum was a flapper complete with piss-pot hat - but that would have been
in the 30s/early 40s I think. Dad was just a smartly-dressed ordinary
bloke. Light grey pinstripe suit, Trilby hat.

Swingers came in in the 60s I believe. Whoever opened the damned door
should have been hanged!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-26 11:21:59 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
They were not swingers?
Mum was a flapper complete with piss-pot hat - but that would have been
in the 30s/early 40s I think. Dad was just a smartly-dressed ordinary
bloke. Light grey pinstripe suit, Trilby hat.
And their key parties?
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-26 15:53:00 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
Swingers came in in the 60s I believe. Whoever opened the damned door
should have been hanged!
Post by Michael N. LeVine
They were not swingers?
Flappers were Flappers. Ask any seal!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-26 17:18:46 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
They were not swingers?
Flappers were Flappers. Ask any seal!
Lion again I see.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-27 19:22:58 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
They were not swingers?
Flappers were Flappers. Ask any seal!
Lion again I see.
It's due to the many photographs I've taken in *.ROAR floormat!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-07-28 12:05:35 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
They were not swingers?
Flappers were Flappers. Ask any seal!
Lion again I see.
It's due to the many photographs I've taken in *.ROAR floormat!
You can babylon five times longer, saying nothing than any one else I have encountered.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-07-30 15:53:27 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
That's nothing! She attacked my entire class!!
A successful woman really frightens you - even after all this time...
If that's the best you can do, please duck out of this discussion
gracefully, you fatuous fart!! Intelligent people are talking.
The quit interrupting us...
Howd'yoo get an intelligent person's voice into one of your posts? Steal
it off em?
I use an amplifier to get above the sound of your rambling.
Iyyyyyyyyyyyy got wunner dese - last year. Gets over the top of just
about everything - including my opstairsekkers' kids stamping about and,
before they moved out, the pratts downstairs putting rubbish on in their
main bedroom. I put a second pair of speakers in mine especially for
'em!! The amp sounds damned good as well.
And Iyy haven't rambled for ages!
Good, ramming a bull would make him very angry.
Yers. He'd find it intorrolable!
Then it does not matter, door or no door, get out of there fast.
Er? What?
Don't torero your self apart trying to figure it out.
That remark is a result of your Rebubblycan highly intense Tory adore!
Is that the only recortes you have to the facts?
One day . . . it'll be el momento de veridad!!
Spike Milligan: "Iyyy don't care whose dad it is!!"
(From 'Q' Series)
You mother never told your "father"?
The way they doted on each other they'd never have played around. They
knew nothing about golf anyway!
They were not swingers?
Flappers were Flappers. Ask any seal!
Lion again I see.
It's due to the many photographs I've taken in *.ROAR floormat!
You can babylon five times longer, saying nothing than any one else I have encountered.
You enumerate chickens while you're meeting people? Bizarre!
