Hey Carl ^_^ re: you and heartbroken?
(too old to reply)
2012-08-19 03:40:33 UTC
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
2012-08-19 03:44:14 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
2012-08-19 03:52:30 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
what has the discussion about carls behaviour have to do with OS/2
2012-08-21 23:59:31 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
what has the discussion about carls behaviour have to do with OS/2
What does your illiterate and low class observations have to do with
OS/2, Denise?
2012-08-22 10:43:37 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Post by heartbroken
what has the discussion about carls behaviour have to do with OS/2
What does your illiterate and low class observations have to do with
OS/2, Denise?
Or with astrology either?
A. B.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Post unto others as you would have them post unto you.
2012-08-22 10:45:04 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Post by heartbroken
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
what has the discussion about carls behaviour have to do with OS/2
What does your illiterate and low class observations have to do with
OS/2, Denise?
2012-08-19 05:25:30 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
2012-08-19 07:01:56 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
Don't piss me off. I am Julian nephew of Carl Corey aka Corwin
you lose 27 zillion xp. Have fun eating shit as a feces.
2012-08-20 02:33:11 UTC
In article <***@giganews.com>
Post by Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
Don't piss me off. I am Julian nephew of Carl Corey aka Corwin
Ooo, scary.
2012-08-20 02:55:07 UTC
Post by Rosalia
Post by Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
Don't piss me off. I am Julian nephew of Carl Corey aka Corwin
Ooo, scary.
viki , slurp
Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
2012-08-20 06:28:23 UTC
Post by Rosalia
Post by Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
Don't piss me off. I am Julian nephew of Carl Corey aka Corwin
Ooo, scary.
2012-08-20 20:21:38 UTC
In article <E82dnXjVyt-***@giganews.com>
Post by Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
Post by Rosalia
Post by Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
Don't piss me off. I am Julian nephew of Carl Corey aka Corwin
Ooo, scary.
Jitoya Waldby
2012-08-21 05:13:54 UTC
My name is not Carl, little one.
Post by Rosalia
Post by Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
Post by Rosalia
Post by Glowing Hem of öbersetzt, Ouija Teach. Blackest of Sunshines.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
Don't piss me off. I am Julian nephew of Carl Corey aka Corwin
Ooo, scary.
ps; mom and dad this is Chasey
2012-08-21 12:27:00 UTC
ying tong ying tong ying tong tiddle i po.
2012-08-26 21:58:49 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do
with your wearing crotchless panties with garter belts, Sistemas?
2012-08-26 22:29:11 UTC
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do
with your wearing crotchless panties with garter belts, Sistemas?
I saw Isis naked dripping with steam.
Die tonight.
And I don't wanna die tonight.
2012-08-26 23:33:55 UTC
Post by Richh.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do
with your wearing crotchless panties with garter belts, Sistemas?
I saw Isis naked dripping with steam.
2012-08-27 00:29:09 UTC
Post by Richh.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do
with your wearing crotchless panties with garter belts, Sistemas?
I saw Isis naked dripping with steam.
You must be extreme gay.
Die tonight.
And I don't wanna die tonight.
2012-09-01 15:08:16 UTC
Post by Richh.
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Post by ***@antispam.ham
Get on some tampons. Shut your pussy
What does :-(arl's manpussy have to do with OS/2, Denise?
What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do
with your wearing crotchless panties with garter belts, Sistemas?
I saw Isis naked dripping with steam.
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! . . . I
saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.

Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
Bill Taylor
2012-09-26 06:51:43 UTC
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! . . . I
saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...

-- b
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
2012-09-26 13:22:06 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! . . . I
saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
Theoretically, Peg is Dimensional.
2012-09-26 22:49:10 UTC
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! . . . I
saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
2012-09-26 23:00:17 UTC
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! . .
. I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
-̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
2012-09-27 01:29:38 UTC
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! . .
. I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from the
other, eh? LOL!!
2012-09-27 01:57:46 UTC
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! .
. . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from the
other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
2012-09-27 04:30:01 UTC
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! .
. . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from the
other, eh?  LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing happening to
2012-09-27 04:44:21 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners!
. . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the
desert, and fought to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from
the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
2012-09-27 04:56:41 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners!
. . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the
desert, and fought to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from
the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
2012-09-27 05:07:26 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing happening
to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
2012-09-27 05:30:01 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing happening
to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
2012-09-27 05:35:54 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing happening
to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
2012-09-27 06:16:40 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing happening
to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
2012-09-27 06:24:18 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and fought to myself: This
is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
2012-09-27 06:26:56 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and fought to myself: This
is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately ,
he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
2012-09-27 06:32:57 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately
, he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
2012-09-27 06:41:07 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they
giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the money ,
there's this google group i think he's been going too lately
, he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
2012-09-27 06:52:18 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are
they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't
much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a
bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him back and tell
him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
2012-09-27 06:54:18 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are
they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't
much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a
bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him back and tell
him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
2012-09-27 07:00:30 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are
they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one
isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a
bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
2012-09-27 06:57:57 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are
they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose one
isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got outted pretty bad a
bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
2012-09-27 07:09:30 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a
Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
2012-09-27 07:45:12 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a
Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29

- Zitierten Text anzeigen -

no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
2012-09-27 07:50:44 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of things
to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
2012-09-27 07:51:13 UTC
Post by %
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Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of things
to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen   Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
2012-09-27 08:01:19 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
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Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
2012-09-27 08:07:46 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i
do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
2012-09-27 08:54:12 UTC
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think
he's been going too lately , he and his squeeze
got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i
haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and tell him
, " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i
do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
it doesn't matter anymore
2012-09-27 09:01:53 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think
he's been going too lately , he and his squeeze
got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i
haven't seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and tell him
, " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i
do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen �bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
it doesn't matter anymore
i know
2012-09-27 16:26:51 UTC
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i
do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.

Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
2012-09-27 17:55:33 UTC
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i
do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen �bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wiónt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
2012-09-27 18:43:10 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i
do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen �bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wiónt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.

Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
2012-09-28 02:15:55 UTC
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill
and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of
things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend
or are they giving away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different from the other,
eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need
the money , there's this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i would be ,
glad to welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad
thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i
do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen �bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi�nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
2012-09-28 02:25:20 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and
his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back
ago and , i haven't seen jack squeak from
him since , but i would be , glad to welcome
him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was
a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen �bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi�nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
2012-09-28 02:36:53 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and
his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back
ago and , i haven't seen jack squeak from
him since , but i would be , glad to welcome
him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was
a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.

And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.

Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
2012-09-28 02:42:11 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
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Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw
a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was
a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
2012-09-28 02:43:39 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw
a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was
a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?

do you think its good to lie to the kids?
2012-09-28 02:50:18 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . . .
I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?
do you think its good to lie to the kids?
i think lying is best for everyone
2012-09-28 02:48:53 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . . .
I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?
do you think its good to lie to the kids?
i think lying is best for everyone
2012-09-28 02:57:25 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . .
. I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me
of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't
much different from the other, eh?
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?
do you think its good to lie to the kids?
i think lying is best for everyone
no one has to wonder if its true or not
2012-09-28 02:58:39 UTC
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . .
. I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me
of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't
much different from the other, eh?
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?
do you think its good to lie to the kids?
i think lying is best for everyone
no one has to wonder if its true or not
there is no good sense in it
2012-09-28 03:09:49 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 06:40, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it
this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two
Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw
210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds
me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a
new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the
other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and
, i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this
outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to
react like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and
more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?
do you think its good to lie to the kids?
i think lying is best for everyone
no one has to wonder if its true or not
there is no good sense in it
there's non in having an ex tell you what to do either
2012-09-28 03:14:00 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 06:40, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it
this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two
Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw
210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds
me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a
new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the
other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and
, i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this
outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to
react like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and
more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad daylight.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?
do you think its good to lie to the kids?
i think lying is best for everyone
no one has to wonder if its true or not
there is no good sense in it
there's non in having an ex tell you what to do either
hm, for a long time i wanted to make him my friend again.
i failed because im a desaster.
2012-09-28 03:20:05 UTC
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
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Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
On 27 Sep., 07:03, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 06:40, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it
this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two
Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw
210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds
me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a
new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore
we really need the money , there's
this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a
bit back ago and , i haven't seen
jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's
here "
i am happy to read you think this
outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to
react like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and
more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
i can't say
okay then dont,
i just asked out of having a talk with you,
so then keep it
i never asked your ex for permission ,
but we still have what we shared that no one knows about
im not sure no one knows,
to be honest i doubt it
Watch and learn how I dig rabbit hutches in broad
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
that wi nt happen, ill be dead before the set of dawn
Tell me your story so that I may tell my children.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
im not interested in letting your children know my story
once upon a time there was a hansel and a gretel
in reality the fucking witch would have killed both,
maybe using something nice like strangulation,
to not poison the flesh of
her meal.
And then: there is no once upon a time,
fairytales are a crime, as they make children dream
about happy endings, which just dont exist.
So: adult lie intentionally to kids.
Take your hansel and gretel to the dump
ok , and you have a nice day too , bye
i sorry,
did my words hurt you?
do you think its good to lie to the kids?
i think lying is best for everyone
no one has to wonder if its true or not
there is no good sense in it
there's non in having an ex tell you what to do either
hm, for a long time i wanted to make him my friend again.
i failed because im a desaster.
oh well as long as you tried everything doesn't always work unless you're me
2012-09-27 16:24:39 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a
Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen Übersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?

Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
2012-09-27 17:58:27 UTC
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a
Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen   �bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
    Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
2012-09-27 18:51:43 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a
Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen �bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.

love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
2012-09-28 02:19:50 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's
the cleaners! . . . I saw a Churchill and a
Sherman thundering across the desert, and fought
to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or
are they giving away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really need the
money , there's this google group i think he's been
going too lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't seen jack
squeak from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a bad thing
happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what anyone
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because i do
what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen   bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
     Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay.  He extends my distance and I forget he is
there.  Placento led me to you.  No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
2012-09-28 02:34:23 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack to
smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from
the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and
, i haven't seen jack squeak from him since ,
but i would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English online
add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
Translations into English:
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
2012-09-28 02:38:29 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack to
smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from
the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and
, i haven't seen jack squeak from him since ,
but i would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English online
add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know placeo
as well
2012-09-28 02:45:45 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know placeo
as well
search with the internet
2012-09-28 02:44:44 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know placeo
as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
2012-09-28 02:51:22 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he
is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know placeo
as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
2012-09-28 02:50:28 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he
is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know placeo
as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together with my
bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the meaning of
that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
2012-09-28 02:58:19 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw
a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know
placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together with my
bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the meaning of
that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
2012-09-28 02:58:54 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw
a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know
placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together with my
bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the meaning of
that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
2012-09-28 03:08:56 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . . .
I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know
placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together with
my bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the meaning
of that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
then why did you say

my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
2012-09-28 03:05:57 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . . .
I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know
placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together with
my bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the meaning
of that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
then why did you say
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
to improve my english
2012-09-28 03:15:51 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . .
. I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me
of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't
much different from the other, eh?
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I
forget he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am
not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary
Latin-English online add translationRecord your
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know
placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together
with my bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the meaning
of that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
then why did you say
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
to improve my english
then why did you say you didn't look it up
2012-09-28 03:16:26 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . .
. I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me
of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't
much different from the other, eh?
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and ,
i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I
forget he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am
not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary
Latin-English online add translationRecord your
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know
placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together
with my bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the meaning
of that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
then why did you say
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
to improve my english
then why did you say you didn't look it up
i dont want to spend the few minutes i have in the morning
with googlesearch
2012-09-28 03:21:43 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 06:40, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it
this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two
Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw
210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds
me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a
new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the
other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and
, i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this
outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to
react like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and
more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I
forget he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am
not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary
Latin-English online add translationRecord your
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate
TM pleasers
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt
know placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together
with my bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the
meaning of that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
then why did you say
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
to improve my english
then why did you say you didn't look it up
i dont want to spend the few minutes i have in the morning
with googlesearch
its faster than the dictionary even for me and i can't type
2012-09-28 03:19:29 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 06:40, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it
this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two
Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw
210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds
me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a
new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose
one isn't much different from the
other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going
too lately , he and his squeeze got
outted pretty bad a bit back ago and
, i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , "
sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this
outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to
react like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and
more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I
forget he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am
not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary
Latin-English online add translationRecord your
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate
TM pleasers
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt
know placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together
with my bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the
meaning of that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
then why did you say
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
to improve my english
then why did you say you didn't look it up
i dont want to spend the few minutes i have in the morning
with googlesearch
its faster than the dictionary even for me and i can't type
so then, im old schooled
2012-09-28 03:28:01 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
On 27 Sep., 07:03, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 06:40, "%"
Post by %
On 27 Sep., 03:53, "%"
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it
this? - No. This one's the
cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two
Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw
210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds
me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a
new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I
suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore
we really need the money , there's
this google group i think he's
been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a
bit back ago and , i haven't seen
jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's
here "
i am happy to read you think this
outing was a bad thing happening to
my hope is the good of all who attend
i believe the wolf told the red carpet
too, he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't
care what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to
react like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and
more because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I
forget he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am
not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary
Latin-English online add translationRecord your
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google
Translate TM pleasers
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt
know placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a
word, a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
that's a good way to learn new words
for what?
what will i do with the knowledge when it will rotten together
with my bones in a grave?
or when my brain will be burned to ashes? ans with it: the
meaning of that word?
so why look it up? To die more stylish, more educated?
i don't know so why did you then
i didnt
then why did you say
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
to improve my english
then why did you say you didn't look it up
i dont want to spend the few minutes i have in the morning
with googlesearch
its faster than the dictionary even for me and i can't type
so then, im old schooled
i wish i was
2012-09-28 15:51:50 UTC
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know placeo
as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
Out of the 1.62 million people that read this newsgroup, only five of
them can 'onestly claim not to be heartbreakers.
Theoretically, Peg is Gimendous.
2012-09-28 16:13:42 UTC
Post by Argui
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and
his squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit
back ago and , i haven't seen jack squeak
from him since , but i would be , glad to
welcome him back and tell him , " sorry
he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was
a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
thank you, but my dictionary- the big one of pons doesnt know
placeo as well
search with the internet
no, im not that interested in learning the meaning of a word,
a proclaimed heartbreaker used.
Out of the 1.62 million people that read this newsgroup, only five of
them can 'onestly claim not to be heartbreakers.
name the five or you lied
2012-09-28 12:13:54 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This
one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack to
smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from
the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago and
, i haven't seen jack squeak from him since ,
but i would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like this,
oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English online
add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
Theoretically, Peg is Gimendous.
2012-09-28 15:48:12 UTC
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
-̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
2012-09-28 15:50:55 UTC
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering across
the desert, and fought to myself: This is
a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more because
i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he is
there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname.  It has been tested over two battles.
Thank the stars it doesn't look like this:


''Thanking Obama for killing Bin Laden is like thanking Ronald
McDonald for the Big Mac. You thank the one who made the
burger, not the clown''

"Well he's a friend of those long haired, hippy type, pinko fags
I'll betcha he's even got a Commie flag tacked up on the wall
inside of his garage"~~The Charlie Daniels Band.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^^ |P
| ♥~♥ Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♥~♥ ||”"”;..\___.
| ……_______________| l______________l _||__|…, ]P
“(@)’(@)”""""""*l'(@)l'(@)l """"""""""""""(@)'(@)""""'(@)

̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™bobaлdcaяole -̮̮̃-̃
Copyright © 2012
all rights reserved
News*Justice*Social Commentary
"Bringing you the ultimate uncensored truth since 1997"

"I think we'll be seeing less of bobandcarole...at least while I'm
around" ~Scott Allen Salberg, Resident Fool & Court Jester of APH
#1 pedophile hunters: The Urban Dictionary & Evil-Unveiled.com


#5 ruiner of usenet.
Owner and trainer of Tom Evans aka "mad as a box of frogs"
Tom Evans actual picture: http://yfrog.com/5zt0mevansj
"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~ Alice
"Did you plug the hole yet Daddy?"~~Malia Obama
Now I know why they call him tiger, "ELDRICK TONT Woods"??
LMAO!! .
"There are 1000 or more reasons for a person INNOCENT of child
molesting to kill themselves"~ Arrested filth-monger frank mccoy
"A victory for one pornographer is a victory for all of the human
race"--pedophile "XXX"
Image snap of Court and Conviction Record, Scott Salberg.
Loading Image...
"I am so superior to you that you can't even see it"~ScottyFLL
aka "Enos Penvy" aka scott salberg-- <enospenvy @null.net>
violent criminal Broward County Fla.
"You are not decent citizens, you are sick, degenerate filth. The
fact that you attend church regularly proves it"~W.T.S.--
<m14m @earthlink.net>
"Only becasue they [bestiality and necrophilia] both ARE,
[harmless] for those who get off on that sort of thing. And what
*they* do is absolutely NONE of my busines NOR any of my concern NOR
that of anyone else!!"~~Craig Chilton <r @z.com> showcases why he's
designated a ko0k even by those he claims to defend and shows his
ignorance in using a spell checker..
"I understand, you guys{The UTB} i assume you belong? have been
around forever, and are clearly a force to be reckoned with"~~Carl
<carrrrrrl @gmail.com> makes a correct statement for the first time in
his life

Why should I have to press one for English??? This is AMERICA
<This space for rent>
2012-09-28 16:21:39 UTC
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he
is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
i don't go to posted penis websites
[Tor] Andrew Wilson
2012-09-28 16:20:53 UTC
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw a
Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the
morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free crack
to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different
from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we really
need the money , there's this google group i
think he's been going too lately , he and his
squeeze got outted pretty bad a bit back ago
and , i haven't seen jack squeak from him
since , but i would be , glad to welcome him
back and tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing was a
bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care what
anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget he
is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding out
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
i don't go to posted penis websites
Shut the fuck up you cocksucking fat retarded chimp.
2012-09-28 16:28:06 UTC
Post by [Tor] Andrew Wilson
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw
a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
i don't go to posted penis websites
Shut the fuck up you cocksucking fat retarded chimp.
how does it make you feel when i say , " no "
[Tor] Ashley Johnson
2012-09-28 16:25:51 UTC
Post by %
Post by [Tor] Andrew Wilson
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No.
This one's the cleaners! . . . I saw
a Churchill and a Sherman thundering
across the desert, and fought to
myself: This is a sign of things to
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used
car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react like
this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
i don't go to posted penis websites
Shut the fuck up you cocksucking fat retarded chimp.
how does it make you feel when i say , " no "
The Tetrarchy's decisions are FINAL, prick.
2012-09-28 16:37:29 UTC
Post by [Tor] Ashley Johnson
Post by %
Post by [Tor] Andrew Wilson
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . . .
I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
i don't go to posted penis websites
Shut the fuck up you cocksucking fat retarded chimp.
how does it make you feel when i say , " no "
The Tetrarchy's decisions are FINAL, prick.
that's fine let them be final ,
i'm still going to do whatever i like anyway
[Tor] Ashley Johnson
2012-09-28 16:43:41 UTC
Post by %
Post by [Tor] Ashley Johnson
Post by %
Post by [Tor] Andrew Wilson
Post by %
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by Argui
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
Post by heartbroken
Post by %
On Sep 26, 10:56 pm, "%"
Post by %
Post by Rosalia
In article
Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
On 9/26/2012 12:51 AM, Bill Taylor
On Sep 2, 3:11 am, nemo
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? -
No. This one's the cleaners! . . .
I saw a Churchill and a Sherman
thundering across the desert, and
fought to myself: This is a sign
of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank
That reminds me of when I saw 210
used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of
the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new
boyfriend or are they giving away free
crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much
different from the other, eh? LOL!!
my girlfriend is not a crack whore we
really need the money , there's this
google group i think he's been going too
lately , he and his squeeze got outted
pretty bad a bit back ago and , i haven't
seen jack squeak from him since , but i
would be , glad to welcome him back and
tell him , " sorry he's here "
i am happy to read you think this outing
was a bad thing happening to them!
my hope is the good of all who attend ash
i believe the wolf told the red carpet too,
he would want the best for her
you won't click my links so now i don't care
what anyone does
thats to bad for anyone,
cause its not anyones fault I have to react
like this, oh wait,
what if it would be?
well but then it would still stay the same
ok then
im sorry
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
stop that please
no , and its going to happen more and more and more
because i do what i do
but that would hurt me,
so why do you want to hurt me, %?
i do what i do ,
you do what you do ,
i can't do anything to you
yes but if you would do this,
it would hurt me
do what , what is .. , " this "
Profil anzeigen bersetzen in die Sprache: Deutsch
Weitere Optionen 27 Sep., 08:29
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
no no , its ok , now i have a new reason ,
i have to check with him first so i can't say
What color is your hair, heartbroken?
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
why do you ask this as a reply of % s post?
Placento is a soul relay. He extends my distance and I forget
he is there. Placento led me to you. No way I am not finding
out why.
love doctor
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
my dictonairy doesnt know the word placento,
so im happy you have found it for you,
have fun with it,
whatever it may be.
placento in English
translation and definition "placento", Dictionary Latin-English
online add translationRecord your pronunciation "placento"
third-person plural future active imperative of placeo
Automatic translation (Google Translate): Google Translate TM
Placento is your nickname. It has been tested over two battles.
i don't go to posted penis websites
Shut the fuck up you cocksucking fat retarded chimp.
how does it make you feel when i say , " no "
The Tetrarchy's decisions are FINAL, prick.
that's fine let them be final ,
i'm still going to do whatever i like anyway
Howz aboot I nominate yer fat ass for a few ko0k awards?

2012-09-27 20:48:42 UTC
Keep your crossposted crap out of a.f.goons!!

We are a decent family group here. [Sniggers]
2012-09-27 23:38:46 UTC
Post by MartinS
Keep your crossposted crap out of a.f.goons!!
We are a decent family group here. [Sniggers]
We drink rum with black pepper here. Ran out of gin a few years back.
Theoretically, Peg is Delightful.
2012-09-28 08:29:25 UTC
Post by MartinS
Keep your crossposted crap out of a.f.goons!!
2012-09-28 12:15:29 UTC
Post by MartinS
Keep your crossposted crap out of a.f.goons!!
Theoretically, Peg is Gimendous.
2012-09-28 15:47:02 UTC
Post by MartinS
Keep your crossposted crap out of a.f.goons!!
2012-09-27 05:37:13 UTC
In article <3f7d3a2d-b5d2-4340-88c7-***@k20g2000vbk.googlegroups.com>
Post by -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends bobandcarole ----->♫♫♫♫
Post by %
Post by Info
Post by Darwin Litmus Roar=shack
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by nemo
And with that - or was it this? - No. This one's the cleaners! . .
. I saw a Churchill and a Sherman thundering across the desert,
and fought to myself: This is a sign of things to come.
Yes folks . . . it was a Two Tank Omen!
That reminds me of when I saw 210 used car salesmen...
-- b
And that, dear friends, reminds me of the morning bacon.
and away we go
Where is carl lately? Did he get a new boyfriend or are they giving
away free crack to smoke? I suppose one isn't much different from the
other, eh? LOL!!
-̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™Usenet Legends ªºªandɔa®ole
2012-09-27 22:41:53 UTC
you feel like a real big man now,
i sincerely hope you do; honestly.
 that you're an
      fake  fucking
        piece of shit.
have a nice day, you
you couldnt give the nearest shit about the nearest suicidal person you wannabe-fuck;
you and ishtar can both go fuck yourselves,
because you know how fucking flimsy you are as people.
now you leave her alone.
you aren't right; she is.
now go away.
or i'll get =even more= real with these people about you.
Well, thanks mikey.
I have a theory.  It goes sortta like this-  It is difficult (but not
impossible) to speak of others without revealing a good deal of
yourself.  I TRY to be aware of that when i'm speaking of Dave, or
heartbroken, or someone else.  It is something you might want to try
and keep in mind yourself, when you speak of other people being self-
Carl, why don't you go sky diving and forget to pull the rip-cord?
hey let carl be in peace, it was hard what happened here to him,
so show your heart and be a nice guy.
What happened to carl? Did he get caught fondling a farm animal maybe?
Or maybe he was sucking off his boyfriend and somebody secretly taped
it and put it on uTube?