01/07/13 Puns + Goons uTooobs folks!!
(too old to reply)
2013-08-19 13:24:54 UTC
But sequestration has led to a crew cut.
Don't you believe it, it's alll a dumbo ploy to force more spending.
We over here could write a Saga about such scams!!
How many have you fallen for?
He's the scum of the scams ...
. . of the scrams of the skeems of the scooms of the scrims of the scrumbs!

Not to mention the plin of the plon!

Grittpype: Swine!! I told you not to mention the plin of the plon!

Blunebottule: Yiheeeee!
2013-08-20 15:07:22 UTC
He does grind them out.
Keurig'er and keurig'er, said the white rarebit.
Wheel keeper wheelcome eeen the Heelside, sang Hairy Cæcum, the Welsh
Are you planing on selling any of your rare bits?
Those bits ain't rare, Berle use them years ago.
He stole them from you how long ago?
Three feet six inches!
So you are not about to cry uncle...
Nope. They're all gone! :o(
Could not stand to be around you?
In the end, they could not stand at all.
Your smell was that potent...
I don't own one. What you're smelling is the canvas toilet on the camp
site next door!
You go all the way over there to do your thing!
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.

Sound of a sitting cow: Low on the ground!!

The chicken is a noble beast.
The cow is much forlorner!
A-standing in the pouring rain;
A leg at ev'ry corner!!

William McGoonagle, the well known . . and favourite of Spike Milligan.

The ' is for the metre. Iyy haven't got any shillings!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-20 17:24:12 UTC
Post by Nemo
He does grind them out.
Keurig'er and keurig'er, said the white rarebit.
Wheel keeper wheelcome eeen the Heelside, sang Hairy Cæcum, the Welsh
Are you planing on selling any of your rare bits?
Those bits ain't rare, Berle use them years ago.
He stole them from you how long ago?
Three feet six inches!
So you are not about to cry uncle...
Nope. They're all gone! :o(
Could not stand to be around you?
In the end, they could not stand at all.
Your smell was that potent...
I don't own one. What you're smelling is the canvas toilet on the camp
site next door!
You go all the way over there to do your thing!
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.
Not even for squat-ers rights?
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-08-21 00:23:53 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
He does grind them out.
Keurig'er and keurig'er, said the white rarebit.
Wheel keeper wheelcome eeen the Heelside, sang Hairy Cæcum, the Welsh
Are you planing on selling any of your rare bits?
Those bits ain't rare, Berle use them years ago.
He stole them from you how long ago?
Three feet six inches!
So you are not about to cry uncle...
Nope. They're all gone! :o(
Could not stand to be around you?
In the end, they could not stand at all.
Your smell was that potent...
I don't own one. What you're smelling is the canvas toilet on the camp
site next door!
You go all the way over there to do your thing!
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.
Sound of a sitting cow: Low on the ground!!
The chicken is a noble beast.
The cow is much forlorner!
A-standing in the pouring rain;
A leg at ev'ry corner!!
William McGoonagle, the well known . . and favourite of Spike Milligan.
The ' is for the metre. Iyy haven't got any shillings!
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!

(Short bit of po-etry there!)
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-21 11:20:36 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
He does grind them out.
Keurig'er and keurig'er, said the white rarebit.
Wheel keeper wheelcome eeen the Heelside, sang Hairy Cæcum, the Welsh
Are you planing on selling any of your rare bits?
Those bits ain't rare, Berle use them years ago.
He stole them from you how long ago?
Three feet six inches!
So you are not about to cry uncle...
Nope. They're all gone! :o(
Could not stand to be around you?
In the end, they could not stand at all.
Your smell was that potent...
I don't own one. What you're smelling is the canvas toilet on the camp
site next door!
You go all the way over there to do your thing!
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.
Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!)
But not short enough.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-08-23 22:02:02 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
He does grind them out.
Keurig'er and keurig'er, said the white rarebit.
Wheel keeper wheelcome eeen the Heelside, sang Hairy Cæcum, the Welsh
Are you planing on selling any of your rare bits?
Those bits ain't rare, Berle use them years ago.
He stole them from you how long ago?
Three feet six inches!
So you are not about to cry uncle...
Nope. They're all gone! :o(
Could not stand to be around you?
In the end, they could not stand at all.
Your smell was that potent...
I don't own one. What you're smelling is the canvas toilet on the camp
site next door!
You go all the way over there to do your thing!
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.
Sound of a sitting cow: Low on the ground!!
The chicken is a noble beast.
The cow is much forlorner!
A-standing in the pouring rain;
A leg at ev'ry corner!!
William McGoonagle, the well known . . and favourite of Spike Milligan.
The ' is for the metre. Iyy haven't got any shillings!
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!)
But not short enough.
We pensioners are never short. Didden chew know that? All that gelt
spent on Nuke Hammerers!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-24 09:24:38 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.
Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!)
But not short enough.
We pensioners are never short. Didden chew know that? All that gelt
spent on Nuke Hammerers!
Which you can only brag about...
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-08-26 05:11:08 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.
Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!)
But not short enough.
We pensioners are never short. Didden chew know that? All that gelt
spent on Nuke Hammerers!
Which you can only brag about...
Enthuse! And if you got a Canon EOS 7D or similar, uued enthuse teeuu!

Mine dew - I eeuused teh Powershot G12 today for some shots around
Islington - my old stamping ground when I was a Traffic Warrior! - ans a
chirrupodinst I used to know came out of his surgery and thanked me for
all the custom I used to bring him!

I also picked up one of these for my collection for emir £70. A bargain.
Not bad for a mobile phone. Well it's a phone, and while I was carrying
it home, it was mobile, wazzen tit?!!


No. Not the girl - the phone - idiot!

Neddie: Aha!! The Phoon Show!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-26 11:14:04 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and too low
on the ground as well.
Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!)
But not short enough.
We pensioners are never short. Didden chew know that? All that gelt
spent on Nuke Hammerers!
Which you can only brag about...
Enthuse! And if you got a Canon EOS 7D or similar, uued enthuse teeuu!
All that bragging has forced you to loose focus..
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-08-27 03:16:31 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Nemo
Post by Nemo
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and
too low on the ground as well. Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle
so very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very
uncomfortable! The camp sight managers should get the standard
poor célène installed for the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!) But not short enough.
We pensioners are never short. Didden chew know that? All that gelt
spent on Nuke Hammerers!
Which you can only brag about...
Enthuse! And if you got a Canon EOS 7D or similar, uued enthuse teeuu!
Mine dew - I eeuused teh Powershot G12 today for some shots around
Islington - my old stamping ground when I was a Traffic Warrior! - ans
a chirrupodinst I used to know came out of his surgery and thanked me
for all the custom I used to bring him!
I also picked up one of these for my collection for emir £70. A
bargain. Not bad for a mobile phone. Well it's a phone, and while I
was carrying it home, it was mobile, wazzen tit?!!
No. Not the girl - the phone - idiot!
Neddie: Aha!! The Phoon Show!
Does it have a "Call Exchange" button?
Martin S
2013-08-27 13:58:11 UTC
Post by MartinS
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Nemo
Post by Nemo
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and
too low on the ground as well. Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle
so very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very
uncomfortable! The camp sight managers should get the standard
poor célène installed for the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!) But not short enough.
We pensioners are never short. Didden chew know that? All that gelt
spent on Nuke Hammerers!
Which you can only brag about...
Enthuse! And if you got a Canon EOS 7D or similar, uued enthuse teeuu!
Mine dew - I eeuused teh Powershot G12 today for some shots around
Islington - my old stamping ground when I was a Traffic Warrior! - ans
a chirrupodinst I used to know came out of his surgery and thanked me
for all the custom I used to bring him!
I also picked up one of these for my collection for emir £70. A
bargain. Not bad for a mobile phone. Well it's a phone, and while I
was carrying it home, it was mobile, wazzen tit?!!
No. Not the girl - the phone - idiot!
Neddie: Aha!! The Phoon Show!
Does it have a "Call Exchange" button?
Nope. It's not a shared service model with the 'A' sub's Call Exchange
button earthing the 'A' wire and the 'B' sub's button earthing the 'B'
wire. Doesn't have a handel sticking out the side connected to a hand
generator either - in case you need a hand with anything.

See? I still remember these things.
2014-06-08 21:03:16 UTC
Post by MartinS
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Nemo
Post by Nemo
Narr. Being a potent, its facilities are too rude-e-mentary and
too low on the ground as well. Not even for squat-ers rights?
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle
so very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very
uncomfortable! The camp sight managers should get the standard
poor célène installed for the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!) But not short enough.
We pensioners are never short. Didden chew know that? All that gelt
spent on Nuke Hammerers!
Which you can only brag about...
Enthuse! And if you got a Canon EOS 7D or similar, uued enthuse teeuu!
Mine dew - I eeuused teh Powershot G12 today for some shots around
Islington - my old stamping ground when I was a Traffic Warrior! - ans
a chirrupodinst I used to know came out of his surgery and thanked me
for all the custom I used to bring him!
I also picked up one of these for my collection for emir £70. A
bargain. Not bad for a mobile phone. Well it's a phone, and while I
was carrying it home, it was mobile, wazzen tit?!!
No. Not the girl - the phone - idiot!
Neddie: Aha!! The Phoon Show!
Does it have a "Call Exchange" button?
Earth on the 'B' wire?? Better clean it!

Bill Taylor
2013-08-22 06:03:29 UTC
Post by Nemo
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!)
Right then:

If squatters' rights and squatters' lefts
Both dangles very low,
Then squatters' centrals plumb all clefts
And get wet in the po!

- b

<Po-man, po-man, didke-I-po-man!>
2014-06-08 21:01:55 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by Nemo
What if the squatters' rights and the squatters' lefts both dangle so
very low, that they touch the bottom of the po. Very uncomfortable! The
camp sight managers should get the standard poor célène installed for
the squatters to point Percy at!
(Short bit of po-etry there!)
If squatters' rights and squatters' lefts
Both dangles very low,
Then squatters' centrals plumb all clefts
And get wet in the po!
- b
<Po-man, po-man, didke-I-po-man!>
Praps the poe is fart too shalloe!
2013-08-21 00:28:07 UTC
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Similar . .
Bluebottle: Pssst!
Eccles: What?
Bluebottle: Pssst!
Eccles: I haven't touched a drop!
Bluebottle: Eccles?
Eccles: Yeah?
Bluebottle: It's me, Blumebottuns.
Eccles: Oh! My friend!
Bluebottle: Yes, I'm your friend! You remember me?
Eccles: I remember you!
Bluebottle: Yes, why do you not open the door?
Eccles: Okay, I'll- How do you open a door?
Bluebottle: You turn the knob on your side.
Eccles: I haven't got a knob on my side! <<<<<<<<<
Bluebottle: On the door, silly!
Eccles: Oh! I'll soon get the hang of that.
FX: Door opening . .
Bluebottle: Hello, Little Jim.
Little Jim: [incomprehensible jabbering]
Bluebottle: Eccles... I do not understand what he is saying.
Eccles: Say that again, Little Jim.
Little Jim: Okay. [incomprehensible jabbering]
Eccles: He says he doesn't understand what he's saying either.
Little Jim: Michael LeVine before he came on here!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-21 11:24:23 UTC
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-08-23 22:07:11 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!

Rubbing my tummy helps prevent me repeating myself!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-24 09:21:45 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!
But this is the second time today you have said exactly the same thing.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-08-26 16:34:47 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!
Rubbing my tummy helps prevent me repeating myself!
Post by Michael N. LeVine
But this is the second time today you have said exactly the same thing.
And this is the second time today when you have broken these rules so
I'm reminding you - and I will carry on reminding you. Heaven knows, you
could do with a new one! Praps you should come over here to the Vest
Country and pray for one. Effterrghghghghallll . . .

A daven in Devon will sure attract heaven! - or you could try Daventry
in Northamptonshire, where most reticent people with dicks on their
heads live!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-27 09:28:02 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!
But this is the second time today you have said exactly the same thing.
And this is the second time today when you have broken these rules so
I'm reminding you - and I will carry on reminding you. Heaven knows, you
could do with a new one! Praps you should come over here to the Vest
Country and pray for one. Effterrghghghghallll . . .
Since when have you bothered about the rules?
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-08-27 14:09:22 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!
But this is the second time today you have said exactly the same thing.
And this is the second time today when you have broken these rules so
I'm reminding you - and I will carry on reminding you. Heaven knows, you
could do with a new one! Praps you should come over here to the Vest
Country and pray for one. Effterrghghghghallll . . .
A daven in Devon will sure attract heaven! - or you could try Daventry
in Northamptonshire, where most reticent people with dicks on their
heads live!
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Since when have you bothered about the rules?
What rules? A neuter monarch?
Michael N. LeVine
2013-08-27 18:30:03 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!
But this is the second time today you have said exactly the same thing.
And this is the second time today when you have broken these rules so
I'm reminding you - and I will carry on reminding you. Heaven knows, you
could do with a new one! Praps you should come over here to the Vest
Country and pray for one. Effterrghghghghallll . . .
Since when have you bothered about the rules?
What rules? A neuter monarch?
You butter fly while you can before they come for you.
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers
2013-09-01 01:00:07 UTC
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!
But this is the second time today you have said exactly the same thing.
And this is the second time today when you have broken these rules so
I'm reminding you - and I will carry on reminding you. Heaven knows, you
could do with a new one! Praps you should come over here to the Vest
Country and pray for one. Effterrghghghghallll . . .
Since when have you bothered about the rules?
What rules? A neuter monarch?
You butter fly while you can before they come for you.
As long as I can stand well out of the way when they do!
Michael N. LeVine
2013-09-01 11:20:53 UTC
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Post by Michael N. LeVine
Post by Nemo
Nope. When I'm gone I'll sell them to medical silence!
You should back peddle on that idea.
I haven't got any peddles on my back!
Don't try and sell us that...
Whine not!?
It has already passed its use by date
How did it manage to swallow it?
You have no taste.
I just went "glwummph!" and moved my Adam Zapple up and down at the same
But you were not also rubbing your tummy..
Cease telling me what I am, what I have done, what am doing, what I
prefer, or what I am thinking, or referring to any other characteristic
or circumstance of mine that you have no way of wucking fell knowing
about! It will do you nog hood - however much you eggs-aggerate or
accuse me of repeating myself!
But this is the second time today you have said exactly the same thing.
And this is the second time today when you have broken these rules so
I'm reminding you - and I will carry on reminding you. Heaven knows, you
could do with a new one! Praps you should come over here to the Vest
Country and pray for one. Effterrghghghghallll . . .
Since when have you bothered about the rules?
What rules? A neuter monarch?
You butter fly while you can before they come for you.
As long as I can stand well out of the way when they do!
But you are not in good standing with them...
Michael LeVine - ***@redshift.com
"I can remember when a liberal was one
who was generous with his own money"
Will Rogers